On the Subject of Simon Spells
Because Simon passed second grade.
This module has a total of five stages. In each stage, you must input a letter by pressing two colored buttons. Find the letter in the table below, and press the button in its column, then the button in its row. After every letter is input, the buttons' colors may change. The word submitted must always be a valid word listed in Appendix SSWB.
TL | TR | M | BL | BR | |
Red | A | B | C | D | E |
Yellow | F | G | H | I | K |
Blue | L | M | N | O | P |
Green | Q | R | S | T | U |
Black | V | W | X | Y | Z |
Stage 1
Start with the position of the black button. Move one step in the grid's top row towards the position of the red button in that row. This is your Key Position . If any of the yellow button, the blue button, or the green button are in the Key Position, use the Key Position . Otherwise, use the position of the blue button.
Start with the color of the bottom right button. Move one step in the grid's first column towards the color of the top left button in that cloumn. This is your Key Color . If any of the top right button, the middle button, or the bottom left button is colored with the Key Color, use the Key Color . Otherwise, use the color of the middle button. Use the letter in the column of the position you are using and the row of the color you are using.
Stage 2
Start with the letter from stage 1. Move* in the grid according to each cell in the table below. Only move in a direction if its condition is true. Use the letter in that position or the one directly to its left* or right*.
Left | The top right button is green | Right | The bottom left button is yellow | |
Up | The middle button is black | Up | The blue button is in the top left | |
Down | The middle button is red | Down | The blue button is in the bottom right |
* Wrap around if necessary. When you do, stay on the same row or column.